Terms and Conditions
Legal Giveaway Facebook.
1. Organizers of the draw.
Grup Pou Montgrí sl institution domiciled in C / Ullà, 25 in Torroella de Montgri, Girona (17257), states that,
as organizer of the draws of our Facebook page:
Grup Pou Montgrí sl reserves the right to expel any participant promotion you make a bad
Use the same or has humiliating or offensive behavior with users and the same page.
2. Requirements.
all persons residing in Spain Area may participate in that lottery and continue the
instructions. In the event that these three conditions below are met,
will recognize the user as a participant. If one of the three is not met by the winner, the prize will go to
first of three alternates. And so on until the requirements are met.
3. Mechanical draw.
To qualify for the award, you must:
to. Become a fan of our Facebook page "" in the moment when
finished the contest.
b. Share the publication draws publicly on their Facebook wall.
4. Prize draw.
Prizes will be specified in the contest on our Facebook page.
5. Selection of winners, communication and presentation of the award.
(The choice of the winner of the draw will be conducted by our team, which will be videotaped and posted
on our website a few days after the end of the contest. Then he will send the participant a
mail in which you will be notified who is the winner. Three alternates who will spend the prize be established
in the event that it can not award the prize to the first winner.
Once the winner has received the notification email, we will send you a coupon for it
you can print. In the event that the winner has not responded within 2 days after notification
you do get, they will hold another draw and notified in the same way the winner of the same.)
6. disengagement from Facebook.
We declare that Facebook not sponsored, endorsed or administered this promotion in any way, nor has
any kind of relationship with her. All information coming from each participant through the form
will be in charge of Grup Pou Montgrí sl no Facebook. The contestant exonerates of any Facebook
responsibility. Other social networks like Twitter where there may be an allusion to the promotion are also
disclaim any responsibility for the aforementioned draw.
7. Data Protection Participants.
The full names of the participants in the draw, once it is completed, will confidentiality
Grup Pou Montgrí sl and never share intelligence information with third parties. His
name does not appear in any database Grup Pou Montgrí sl, only the Facebook page as Facebook user profile.
8. Acceptance of the rules of the draw
Grup Pou Montgrí sl vary the contest at any time and reserves the right to
cancel it if any irregularities can be detected. In case this is reached
He of course, be communicated on the Facebook page All the
Participants will be subject to Spanish law.